Ajay Kumar Jha

Ajay Kumar Jha
Assistant Professor
QBB 258, B8
Department of Computer Science
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND, USA.
📧 ajay.jha.1@ndsu.edu

The Software Testing And Maintenance (STAM) Lab

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CSCI 714: Software Project Planning and Estimation

👉 Use your NDSU credentials to access the following contents:

📅Week 📚Chapter 📁Content
1st 🔖 Course Introduction Slides           
1st - 3rd 🔖 Introduction to Project Management Slides
  🏆 Assignment Assign-1
4th & 5th 🔖 Project Identification, Selection, and Planning Slides
  🏆 Assignment Assign-2
5th & 6th 🔖 Project Scope Management Slides
  🏆 Assignment Assign-3
6th & 7th 🔖 Project Time Management Slides
8th 🔖 Project Cost Management Slides
9th 👩‍🏫 Midterm Project Midterm
10th & 11th 🔖 Project Quality Management Slides
  🏆 Assignment Assign-4
12th & 13th 🔖 Project Risk Management Slides
14th & 15th 🔖 Project Human Resource Management Slides
16th 👩‍🏫 Final Project Final