Ajay Kumar Jha

Ajay Kumar Jha
Assistant Professor
QBB 258, B8
Department of Computer Science
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND, USA.
📧 ajay.jha.1@ndsu.edu


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Bio: I am an Assistant Professor at North Dakota State University. Before joining NDSU, I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher for more than 2 years at the University of Alberta in the SMR lab led by Prof. Sarah Nadi. Before that, I worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher for 3 years at Kyungpook National University in the ESE Lab led by Prof. Woo Jin Lee. I obtained both my Master's degree (2013) and Ph.D. degree (2017) from Kyungpook National University under the supervision of Prof. Woo Jin Lee. Before joining my Master's program, I worked in the software industry for more than 5 years as a software developer, project manager, and business development manager. I have served as a program committee member and reviewer of various esteemed conferences and journals such as MSR, FSE, ASE, SANER, ICSME, MobileSoft, ICSE, TSE, and EMSE.

Research Interest: I am interested in software engineering, specifically software testing and maintenance. I work in various research areas including but not limited to the following research areas.
👉Test Recommendation and Reuse: Writing tests from scratch is difficult and time-consuming. To ease the process of writing tests, I develop techniques to recommend tests that can be used as a starting point for developers to write tests manually. Furthermore, I develop tools and techniques to reuse the recommended tests automatically.
👉Test Maintenance: Test suite evolution is a natural process for any active software system, mainly due to changes in the production code. However, the maintenance and execution of a large number of tests are resource-intensive and costly. Therefore, I develop techniques to remove obsolete and redundant tests and repair broken tests.
👉Bug Collection, Characterization, and Detection: Users are likely to abandon any software system that has critical bugs. Therefore, to help developers in preventing, detecting, and fixing critical bugs, I collect and characterize various types of critical bugs and develop tools and techniques to detect those bugs.

You can find more information about me in my CV (Updated Aug 22, 2024).